
The norouter command is the top-level command of NoRouter.

When the first argument is a file name, norouter automatically executes norouter manager <FILE>. Otherwise the argument is assumed to be a subcommand.


Run Norouter using a manifest file example.yaml:

$ norouter example.yaml

Same as the first example but explicitly specify the manager subcommand:

$ norouter manager example.yaml

–open-editor (-e)

Open an editor for a temporary manifest file, with an example content:

$ norouter -e

–version (-v)

Show the NoRouter version:

$ norouter -v
norouter version 0.6.0

norouter –help

   norouter - the easiest multi-host & multi-cloud networking ever. No root privilege is required.

   norouter [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   NoRouter is the easiest multi-host & multi-cloud networking ever.
   And yet, NoRouter does not require any privilege such as `sudo` or `docker run --privileged`.
   NoRouter implements unprivileged networking by using multiple loopback addresses such as and
   The hosts in the network are connected by forwarding packets over stdio streams like `ssh`, `docker exec`, `podman exec`, `kubectl exec`, and whatever.
   Quick usage:
   - Install the `norouter` binary to all the hosts. Run `norouter show-installer` to show an installation script.
   - Create a manifest YAML file. Run `norouter show-example` to show an example manifest.
   - Run `norouter <FILE>` to start NoRouter with the specified manifest YAML file.
   Web site:

   manager, m             manager (default subcommand)
   agent                  agent (No need to launch manually)
   show-example, show-ex  show an example manifest
   show-installer         show script for installing NoRouter to other hosts
   help, h                Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug            debug mode (default: false)
   --open-editor, -e  open an editor for a temporary manifest file, with an example content (default: false)
   --help, -h         show help (default: false)
   --version, -v      print the version (default: false)
Last modified December 15, 2020: Compress artifact binaries as tgz (656e443)